Insurance Coverage & Indemnification

Insurance Coverage Defense Lawyers Serving New York City and the Surrounding Areas


Helping to Determine who is Responsible When Claims of Defense Costs and Indemnification Arise

Interpretation of contracts between insurance companies and their insureds can be very complicated and easily misunderstood by either side. This can bring these two parties into direct conflict when claims of defense costs or indemnification are made. It is important to have an attorney who is able to interpret these contracts correctly.

At the law firm of Jeffrey Samel & Partners, our attorneys handle insurance coverage defense issues for clients with cases in New York City, Westchester County, and Long Island, as well as insurance carriers’ requests to review contracts and pleadings to determine when coverage should or should not be afforded to an insured.

We are ever mindful that the successful defense of our clients might include legally shifting responsibility onto another party, pursuant to contract or common law. We pursue all available means to secure for our clients all insurance, indemnification, contribution, or defense costs we believe are owed to them. We do this by utilizing defense tenders, third-party claims, cross-claims, and counterclaims, and through declaratory judgment actions when required.

Indemnification Attorneys Serving Clients With Cases in Westchester County and Long Island

We offer these services to our clients to assist them when there is a dispute over insurance coverage. Our extensive experience in insurance defense gives us an in-depth understanding of how these contracts are written and meant to be interpreted. Our lawyers are dedicated to resolving our clients’ concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Please contact our firm at 212-587-9690 or contact us online to discuss your case or other legal issues with one of our skilled attorneys.